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Events are logged on many API write actions such as item creation, update, and delete. Document emissions and other significant events are also logged.

Events can be leveraged in several ways, from auditing to performing custom actions in certain circumstances, although, in that case, WebHooks are probably the best option.

Events log

You can query the events log anytime, as it is available on the Customer API at the /api/v{version}/Evento endpoint.


The events log endpoint is available only to admin-level accounts.

The event record

Every event is composed of the following properties:

Event property name Description
Id Unique event ID.
EventGuid Event Guid.
Type Event type (e.g., "Documento.Create").
DateTime Date and time of the event.
CompanyId Company ID on which the event occurred.
ApiVersion Version of the API that triggered the event.
ApplicationId Application ID contained within the request that triggered the event.
ApiKey API key used to trigger the event. This value is redacted on WebHook payloads.
Object Object involved. For "Documento.Create", it would be the document created.

Event persistence

Events are persisted for 15 days. Older events are removed daily to make room for new ones.

SDK support

The NET SDK offers full support for the events log via the EventoService class. Here's a code snippet that retrieves the last 50 events that occurred on company ID 1:

    var options = new ListOptions<Evento> { Take = 50 };
    options.AddSort("DateTime", Direction.Descending);

    var service = new EventoService();
    var response = await service.List(options);

    if (response.IsSuccess)
        foreach (var @event in response.Result!)
            Console.WriteLine($"Event '{@event.EventGuid}' of type {@event.Type} was fired at {@event.DateTime} by {@event.ApplicationId}.");

We plan on supporting the events log in future SDKs as well.


  • The legacy Amica 20 for Windows application does not use the cloud APIs documented on this website. Currently, only Documento write events, along with the Documento.Emit event, are logged by that application, so keep that in mind when planning your integration. The official web application supports the full range of events and WebHooks.

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