class Account |
A user account. |
class AccountChangePassword |
Change password options. |
class AccountConfirmPassword |
Confirm password data. |
class AccountRoleAttribute |
Only valid AllowedClientValues are allowed. |
static class AccountRoles |
Account roles. |
class AccountService |
Allows working with remote user Account entities. |
abstract class AdminServiceBase<T> |
Base CRUD for Admin API services. |
class AllegatoDocumento |
Binary repesentation, with metadata, of a XML attachment ("fattura elettronica"). |
class Anagrafica |
Client, supplier, agent, or courier biographical record. |
class AnagraficaNominativo1 |
Primary contact person within an organization. |
class AnagraficaNominativo2 |
Secondary contact person whithin the organization. |
class AnagraficaSedeLegale |
Primary address for an organization. |
class AnagraficaService |
Allows working with remote Anagrafica entities. |
class AnagraficaTypeRequiredAttribute |
Only valid Anagrafica kind options are allowed. |
class ApiKeyAttribute |
Only valid API key values (GUIDs) are allowed. Does not check wether the key exists or not. |
class AreaGeografica |
Geographical area (zone). |
class AreaGeograficaService |
Allows working with remote AreaGeografica entities. |
class Articolo |
Stock item or product. |
class ArticoloMediaFile |
Representation of a media file paired with the product or item. |
class ArticoloMediaFileService |
Allows working with remote ArticoloMediaFile entities. |
class ArticoloService |
Allows working with remote Articolo entities. |
class Authenticate |
Authentication data. |
class Azienda |
Amica license owner data. |
class AziendaService |
Allows working with remote Azienda entities. |
enum AzionePartita |
Effect on open debit payment entry. |
class Banca |
Bank. |
class BancaDocumento |
A document's (fattura) bank. |
static class BankCoordinates |
Validation methods and process of bank details. |
class BaseEntity |
Base entity. |
abstract class BaseResponse |
Base response class. |
class BasicAuthentication |
In rare circumstances, Basic Authentication may be requested by an API endpoint. See the Authentication page for more info. |
class BeneServizio |
Commodity or service invoiced. |
class BeneServizioComputeData |
Used by BeneServizioService 's Compute to compute method. |
class BeneServizioComputeResult |
Returned by BeneServizioServizio 's Compute method. |
class BeneServizioService |
Allows working with remote BeneServizio entities. |
class BindableAccountRole |
Bindable account role. |
class BindableEnumValue |
Bindable enum values. |
static class CacheService |
Implements a client-side cache mechanism. |
enum CalcoloPrezzi |
Price list computing method. |
enum CalcoloPrimaRata |
How the first installment should be computed. |
class CassaPrevidenziale |
"Cassa Previdenziale" table. |
class CassaPrevidenzialeService |
Allows working with remote CassaPrevidenziale entities. |
class CastellettoIva |
Payable VAT amount associated to a RegistrazioneContabile . |
class CastellettoIvaService |
Allows workng with CastellettoIva entities. |
class CategoriaAnagrafica |
Organization category. |
class CategoriaAnagraficaService |
Allows working with CategoriaAnagrafica entities. |
class CategoriaMerceologica |
Product category. |
class CategoriaMerceologicaService |
Allows working with CategoriaMerceologica entities. |
class CausaleDocumento |
Reason for the document. |
class CausaleDocumentoService |
Allows working with CausaleDocumento entities. |
class CausaleIva |
VAT code. |
class CausaleIvaService |
Allows working with CausaleIva entities. |
class CausaleMagazzino |
Reason for a freight movement. |
class CausaleMagazzinoService |
Allows working with CausaleMagazzino entities. |
class CausalePagamentoModelloCUValueAttribute |
Only valid CausalePagamentoModelloCU values allowed. |
enum ClasseDocumento |
Document class. |
class CodicePagamento |
"Codice Pagamento" table. |
class CodicePagamentoService |
Allows working with remote CodicePagamento entities. |
class CollegaDocumentoData |
Documents to be referenced in the document. |
abstract class CompanyServiceBase<T> |
Base CRUD for Customer API services working on company data. |
class Componente |
Assembly part. Can be included in DistintaBase . |
static class Configuration |
General SDK configuration. |
class ConfirmPasswordReset |
Confirm a password reset. |
enum Connector |
Logical connector. |
enum ContestoArticolo |
Context in which it is used. |
class ContoContabile |
Accounting account. |
class ContoContabileService |
Allows working with ContoContabile entities. |
class ContoContabileValidationResult |
Holds the validation results of a conto record (ContoContabile ). |
class CreditoDebitoMensile |
Periodic balance. |
class CustomerServer |
The API host assigned to the user. |
class DataBase |
A user database. |
class DatiAggiuntivi |
Additional data. |
class DatiPA |
Public administration data. |
class DatiSdi |
Interchange Service (Sdi) data. |
class DatiTrasporto |
Freight data. |
class DdtImportData |
DDT import data. |
enum DdtImportType |
DDT import type. |
enum DecorrenzaPrimaRata |
Then the first installment occurs. |
enum Direction |
Sorting direction. |
class DistinctOptions |
Distinctive query options. |
class DistinctPropertyGroup |
Group-by distinct query. |
class Documento |
A document (invoice, transport bill, etc.) |
class DocumentoCollegato |
Document reference data. |
class DocumentoComputeData |
Used by DocumentoService 's Compute method. |
class DocumentoComputeDataBeneServizio |
Document row metadata. |
class DocumentoComputeDataSpesa |
Document expense meetadata. |
class DocumentoComputeResult |
Returned by DocumentoService 's Compute method. |
class DocumentoComputeResultRiepilogoIva |
VAT summary. |
enum DocumentoFiscale |
Fiscal document |
class DocumentoImportData |
Document import data. |
class DocumentoMediaFile |
Document media. |
class DocumentoMediaFileService |
Allows working with DocumentoMediaFile entities. |
class DocumentoService |
Allows working with Documento entities. |
class EmailAddressAttribute |
Only valid email address allowed. |
static class Enum<T> |
Enum utilities. |
static class Eventi |
Events support class. |
class Evento |
An event. |
class EventoAttribute |
Only Available events allowed (validation.) |
class EventoService |
Allows working with Evento entities. |
enum ExecutionMode |
Execution modes. |
class ExpandOptions<T> |
Query expand options. |
static class Extensions |
Extensions methods. |
class FatturaElettronicaExportOptions |
Electronic invoice export options. |
class FatturaElettronicaExportResult |
Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService 's XmlExport method call. |
class FatturaElettronicaImportOptions |
Electronic invoice import options. |
class FatturaElettronicaImportResult |
Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService 's XmlImport method call. |
class FatturaElettronicaPairOptions |
Electronic invoice pairing options. |
class FatturaElettronicaService |
Allows working with ProgressivoInvio entities. |
class FatturaElettronicaUploadOptions |
Electronic invoice export options. |
class FatturaElettronicaUploadResult |
Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService 's SdiUpload method call. |
class FatturaElettronicaXml |
Electronic invoice (XML) contents. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlGetAsArchiveByDateRangeOptions |
Options for retrieving XMLs by date range, as an archive. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlGetAsArchiveByFileNameOptions |
Options for retrieving XMLs by file name, as an archive. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlService |
Allows working with FatturaElettronicaXml entities. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlStyleSheetData |
Options for a FatturaElettronicaXmlService 's ApplyStyleSheet method call. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplate |
Electronic invoice standard template. |
class FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplateService |
Allows working with FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplate entities. |
class FatturatoMensile |
Monthly turnover. |
class FileResponse |
Wraps an API response for a request sent to a file endpoint. |
class FilterBy<T> |
Filtering options. |
static class FilterUtils<T> |
Filtering utilities. |
class FiscalCodeAttribute |
Fiscal code validaiton. Does not guarantees uniqueness, or existence. |
enum GestioneArticolo |
Management mode. |
class Giacenza |
Current stock (inventory). |
class GiacenzaService |
Allows working with Giacenza entities. |
class GiornaleMagazzinoService |
Allows working with MovimentoMerceRiga entities. |
class GruppoMerceologico |
Product group. |
class GruppoMerceologicoService |
Allows working with GruppoMerceologico entities. |
class HttpsUrlAttribute |
Only https urls are allowed. |
interface IAuthentication |
Implementing classes allow for user authentication against the Amica APIs. See the Authentication page for more info. |
class IbanAttribute |
Only valid IBANs allowed. Does not guarantees IBANs existence. |
interface ICompanyService<T> |
CRUD service working with a remote company resource. |
interface IEntity |
Entity interface. Implemented by all entity classes. |
interface IExpandOptions<T> |
Expand options. |
interface IListOptions<T> |
List options. |
class ImpostazioniSdi |
Invoice interchange service (Sdi) settings. |
class Indirizzo |
Address. |
class IndirizzoService |
Allows working with Indirizzo entities. |
class IpAddressAttribute |
Value must be a valid IP address. |
interface IPaginationOptions |
Pagination options. |
interface IReadOnlyCompanyService<T> |
Read-only service working with a remote company resource. |
interface IReadOnlyService<T> |
Read-only service working with a remote resource. |
interface IResponse |
Response interface. |
interface IService<T> |
CRUD service working with a remote resource. |
class Iso3166Alpha2ValueAttribute |
ISO 3166-1 values are allowed. |
interface ITabellaService<T> |
Base read-only access to Customer API fixed-length tables. |
enum LiquidazioneIva |
Vat settlement. |
class Listino |
Price list. |
class ListinoService |
Allows working with Listino entities. |
class ListOptions<T> |
List options. |
class LoginResult |
Login result. |
class Magazzino |
Warehouse. |
class MagazzinoService |
Allows working with Magazzino entities. |
class Marca |
Brand. |
class MarcaService |
Allows working with Marca entities. |
abstract class MediaFile |
Media file. |
static class MediaFileHelpers |
Media file helper methods. |
class MediaFileService<T> |
Allows working with MediaFile entities. |
enum MezzoDiTrasporto |
Means of transportation. |
class ModalitaPagamento |
Method of payment. |
class ModalitaPagamentoService |
Allows working with ModalitaPagamento entities. |
class ModelloContabile |
Accounting entry template. |
class ModelloContabileRiga |
A ModelloContabile row. |
class ModelloContabileService |
Allows working with ModelloContabile entities. |
class MovimentoMerce |
Freight movement. |
class MovimentoMerceRiga |
Freight movement row. |
class MovimentoMerceService |
Allows working with MovimentoMerce entities. |
class NaturaIva |
"Natura Iva" table. |
class NaturaIvaService |
Allows working with remote NaturaIva entities. |
class Nazione |
Country. |
class NazioneService |
Allows working with Nazione entities. |
class NotEmptyAttribute |
Nulls and empty strings are not allowed. |
enum Operator |
Operator. |
static class OptionsExtensions |
Extension methods, mostly concerning query string rendering. |
class OrderBy |
Sorting options. |
class OrdiniImportData |
Order import data. |
class Pagamento |
Payment. |
class PagamentoService |
Allows working with Pagamento entities. |
class PasswordMatchAttribute |
Input values must match. |
class PeriodicInvoicingData |
Periodic billing data. |
enum PeriodoIva |
VAT periodicity. |
enum Porto |
Port: assigned, free, etc. |
class Preferenze |
Company settings. |
class PreferenzeService |
Allows working with Preferenze entities. |
class Prestazione |
Provisione of service. |
class PrestazioneService |
Allows working with Prestazione entities. |
class Prezzo |
List price. |
class PrezzoService |
Allows working with Prezzo entities. |
class ProblemDetails |
Wraps an API error report. |
class Produttore |
Manufacturer. |
class ProduttoreService |
Allows working with Produttore entities. |
class ProgressivoInvio |
Invoice interchange service (Sdi) sequence number. |
abstract class ReadOnlyCompanyService<T> |
Base read-only access for Customer API services working with company data. |
abstract class ReadOnlyServiceBase<T> |
Base read-only access for Customer API services. |
class RegistrazioneContabile |
Accounting record. |
class RegistrazioneContabileRiga |
Account record row. |
class RegistrazioneContabileService |
Allows working with RegistrazioneContabile entities. |
class RegistrazioneContabileValidationResult |
Holds the validation results of an account record (RegistrazioneContabile ). |
class RelatedIdAttribute |
Value may be required, and must be greater than zero. |
class Reparto |
Department. |
class RepartoService |
Allows working with Reparto entities. |
static class RequestHelpers |
Request helper methods. |
class RequestPasswordReset |
Password reset request. |
class RequestSettings |
Request settings. |
class RequiredIfAttribute |
Value must exist if another property has a value. |
class ResoImportData |
Reso import data. |
class Response<T> |
Wraps an API response for a request sent to an entity endpoint. |
class Response |
Wraps an API response for a request sent to a media file endpoint. |
static class ResponseHelpers |
Response helper methods. |
static class RestClient |
Http client. |
class RicercaArticolo |
Product lookup options. |
class RicercaArticoloValueAttribute |
Only RicercaArticolo vaues are allowed. |
class RisorsaFinanziaria |
Financial resource. |
class RisorsaFinanziariaService |
Allows working with RisorsaFinanziaria entities. |
class Scadenza |
Payment due date. |
class ScadenzaService |
Allows working with Scadenza entities. |
class SchedaCliente |
Sales settings and information for a Anagrafica record. |
class SchedaFornitore |
Purchase settings and information for a Anagrafica record. |
class SedeAltra |
Other office. |
class SedeLegale |
Head office. |
class SedeOperativa |
Operational headquarters. |
enum SegnoContabile |
Credit or Debit. |
enum SegnoIva |
VAT periodicity |
abstract class ServiceBase<T> |
Base CRUD for Customer API services. |
static class SessionManager |
Handles user sessions. |
class SessoValueAttribute |
Valid Sesso values allowed. |
enum SezioneConto |
Sezione occupata dal conto in bilancio. |
class SituazioneService |
Dashboard (situazione) service. |
class Spesa |
Expenditure. |
class SpesaDocumento |
Document expense. |
class SpesaDocumentoService |
Allows working with SpesaDocumento entities. |
class SpesaService |
Allows working with Spesa entities. |
enum StatoDocumento |
Document status. |
enum StatoSdi |
Interchange service (Sdi) status. |
class StringRangeAttribute |
Value must exist within a range of allowed value. |
enum StyleSheet |
Available stylesheet. |
abstract class Tabella |
Table item. |
abstract class TabellaServiceBase<T> |
class TabelleService |
Allows working with Tabella entities. |
class Taglia |
Size. |
class TagliaService |
Allows working with Taglia entities. |
enum TipoAnagrafica |
Tipo di anagrafica. |
enum TipoBilancio |
Financial report kind. |
enum TipoCausaleMagazzino |
Kind of freight movement reason |
enum TipoConto |
Account kind. |
enum TipoDocumento |
Document kind |
enum TipoImporto |
What a Importo represents. |
enum TipoListino |
Price list kind. |
enum TipologiaRisorsaFinanziaria |
Financial resource kind. |
enum TipoOperazioneContabile |
Accounting transaction kind |
enum TipoRegistrazioneContabile |
Accounting record kind. |
enum TipoScadenza |
Due date kind. |
class TokenAuthentication |
Most requests, especially company-bound ones, require Token Authentication. This class allows simultaneously setting both the token and the company's license key. See the Authentication page for more info. |
static class Utils |
Static utility methods. |
abstract class ValidationAttributeBase |
Custom validation attribute base class. |
class ValoreAmmesso |
Legit value. |
static class ValoriAmmessi |
A collection of legit values for different areas of the API. |
class Valuta |
Currency. |
class ValutaService |
Allows working with Valuta entities. |
class VatAttribute |
VAT number validation. Does not guarantee uniqueness, or existence. |
class WebHook |
Webhook metadata. |
class WebHookService |
Allows working with WebHook entities. |