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Amica namespace

public type description
class Account A user account.
class AccountChangePassword Change password options.
class AccountConfirmPassword Confirm password data.
class AccountRoleAttribute Only valid AllowedClientValues are allowed.
static class AccountRoles Account roles.
class AccountService Allows working with remote user Account entities.
abstract class AdminServiceBase<T> Base CRUD for Admin API services.
class AllegatoDocumento Binary repesentation, with metadata, of a XML attachment ("fattura elettronica").
class Anagrafica Client, supplier, agent, or courier biographical record.
class AnagraficaNominativo1 Primary contact person within an organization.
class AnagraficaNominativo2 Secondary contact person whithin the organization.
class AnagraficaSedeLegale Primary address for an organization.
class AnagraficaService Allows working with remote Anagrafica entities.
class AnagraficaTypeRequiredAttribute Only valid Anagrafica kind options are allowed.
class ApiKeyAttribute Only valid API key values (GUIDs) are allowed. Does not check wether the key exists or not.
class AreaGeografica Geographical area (zone).
class AreaGeograficaService Allows working with remote AreaGeografica entities.
class Articolo Stock item or product.
class ArticoloMediaFile Representation of a media file paired with the product or item.
class ArticoloMediaFileService Allows working with remote ArticoloMediaFile entities.
class ArticoloService Allows working with remote Articolo entities.
class Authenticate Authentication data.
class Azienda Amica license owner data.
class AziendaService Allows working with remote Azienda entities.
enum AzionePartita Effect on open debit payment entry.
class Banca Bank.
class BancaDocumento A document's (fattura) bank.
static class BankCoordinates Validation methods and process of bank details.
class BaseEntity Base entity.
abstract class BaseResponse Base response class.
class BasicAuthentication In rare circumstances, Basic Authentication may be requested by an API endpoint. See the Authentication page for more info.
class BeneServizio Commodity or service invoiced.
class BeneServizioComputeData Used by BeneServizioService's Compute to compute method.
class BeneServizioComputeResult Returned by BeneServizioServizio's Compute method.
class BeneServizioService Allows working with remote BeneServizio entities.
class BindableAccountRole Bindable account role.
class BindableEnumValue Bindable enum values.
static class CacheService Implements a client-side cache mechanism.
enum CalcoloPrezzi Price list computing method.
enum CalcoloPrimaRata How the first installment should be computed.
class CassaPrevidenziale "Cassa Previdenziale" table.
class CassaPrevidenzialeService Allows working with remote CassaPrevidenziale entities.
class CastellettoIva Payable VAT amount associated to a RegistrazioneContabile.
class CastellettoIvaService Allows workng with CastellettoIva entities.
class CategoriaAnagrafica Organization category.
class CategoriaAnagraficaService Allows working with CategoriaAnagrafica entities.
class CategoriaMerceologica Product category.
class CategoriaMerceologicaService Allows working with CategoriaMerceologica entities.
class CausaleDocumento Reason for the document.
class CausaleDocumentoService Allows working with CausaleDocumento entities.
class CausaleIva VAT code.
class CausaleIvaService Allows working with CausaleIva entities.
class CausaleMagazzino Reason for a freight movement.
class CausaleMagazzinoService Allows working with CausaleMagazzino entities.
class CausalePagamentoModelloCUValueAttribute Only valid CausalePagamentoModelloCU values allowed.
enum ClasseDocumento Document class.
class CodicePagamento "Codice Pagamento" table.
class CodicePagamentoService Allows working with remote CodicePagamento entities.
class CollegaDocumentoData Documents to be referenced in the document.
abstract class CompanyServiceBase<T> Base CRUD for Customer API services working on company data.
class Componente Assembly part. Can be included in DistintaBase.
static class Configuration General SDK configuration.
class ConfirmPasswordReset Confirm a password reset.
enum Connector Logical connector.
enum ContestoArticolo Context in which it is used.
class ContoContabile Accounting account.
class ContoContabileService Allows working with ContoContabile entities.
class ContoContabileValidationResult Holds the validation results of a conto record (ContoContabile).
class CreditoDebitoMensile Periodic balance.
class CustomerServer The API host assigned to the user.
class DataBase A user database.
class DatiAggiuntivi Additional data.
class DatiPA Public administration data.
class DatiSdi Interchange Service (Sdi) data.
class DatiTrasporto Freight data.
class DdtImportData DDT import data.
enum DdtImportType DDT import type.
enum DecorrenzaPrimaRata Then the first installment occurs.
enum Direction Sorting direction.
class DistinctOptions Distinctive query options.
class DistinctPropertyGroup Group-by distinct query.
class Documento A document (invoice, transport bill, etc.)
class DocumentoCollegato Document reference data.
class DocumentoComputeData Used by DocumentoService's Compute method.
class DocumentoComputeDataBeneServizio Document row metadata.
class DocumentoComputeDataSpesa Document expense meetadata.
class DocumentoComputeResult Returned by DocumentoService's Compute method.
class DocumentoComputeResultRiepilogoIva VAT summary.
enum DocumentoFiscale Fiscal document
class DocumentoImportData Document import data.
class DocumentoMediaFile Document media.
class DocumentoMediaFileService Allows working with DocumentoMediaFile entities.
class DocumentoService Allows working with Documento entities.
class EmailAddressAttribute Only valid email address allowed.
static class Enum<T> Enum utilities.
static class Eventi Events support class.
class Evento An event.
class EventoAttribute Only Available events allowed (validation.)
class EventoService Allows working with Evento entities.
enum ExecutionMode Execution modes.
class ExpandOptions<T> Query expand options.
static class Extensions Extensions methods.
class FatturaElettronicaExportOptions Electronic invoice export options.
class FatturaElettronicaExportResult Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService's XmlExport method call.
class FatturaElettronicaImportOptions Electronic invoice import options.
class FatturaElettronicaImportResult Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService's XmlImport method call.
class FatturaElettronicaPairOptions Electronic invoice pairing options.
class FatturaElettronicaService Allows working with ProgressivoInvio entities.
class FatturaElettronicaUploadOptions Electronic invoice export options.
class FatturaElettronicaUploadResult Result of a FatturaElettronicaXmlService's SdiUpload method call.
class FatturaElettronicaXml Electronic invoice (XML) contents.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlGetAsArchiveByDateRangeOptions Options for retrieving XMLs by date range, as an archive.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlGetAsArchiveByFileNameOptions Options for retrieving XMLs by file name, as an archive.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlService Allows working with FatturaElettronicaXml entities.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlStyleSheetData Options for a FatturaElettronicaXmlService's ApplyStyleSheet method call.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplate Electronic invoice standard template.
class FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplateService Allows working with FatturaElettronicaXmlTemplate entities.
class FatturatoMensile Monthly turnover.
class FileResponse Wraps an API response for a request sent to a file endpoint.
class FilterBy<T> Filtering options.
static class FilterUtils<T> Filtering utilities.
class FiscalCodeAttribute Fiscal code validaiton. Does not guarantees uniqueness, or existence.
enum GestioneArticolo Management mode.
class Giacenza Current stock (inventory).
class GiacenzaService Allows working with Giacenza entities.
class GiornaleMagazzinoService Allows working with MovimentoMerceRiga entities.
class GruppoMerceologico Product group.
class GruppoMerceologicoService Allows working with GruppoMerceologico entities.
class HttpsUrlAttribute Only https urls are allowed.
interface IAuthentication Implementing classes allow for user authentication against the Amica APIs. See the Authentication page for more info.
class IbanAttribute Only valid IBANs allowed. Does not guarantees IBANs existence.
interface ICompanyService<T> CRUD service working with a remote company resource.
interface IEntity Entity interface. Implemented by all entity classes.
interface IExpandOptions<T> Expand options.
interface IListOptions<T> List options.
class ImpostazioniSdi Invoice interchange service (Sdi) settings.
class Indirizzo Address.
class IndirizzoService Allows working with Indirizzo entities.
class IpAddressAttribute Value must be a valid IP address.
interface IPaginationOptions Pagination options.
interface IReadOnlyCompanyService<T> Read-only service working with a remote company resource.
interface IReadOnlyService<T> Read-only service working with a remote resource.
interface IResponse Response interface.
interface IService<T> CRUD service working with a remote resource.
class Iso3166Alpha2ValueAttribute ISO 3166-1 values are allowed.
interface ITabellaService<T> Base read-only access to Customer API fixed-length tables.
enum LiquidazioneIva Vat settlement.
class Listino Price list.
class ListinoService Allows working with Listino entities.
class ListOptions<T> List options.
class LoginResult Login result.
class Magazzino Warehouse.
class MagazzinoService Allows working with Magazzino entities.
class Marca Brand.
class MarcaService Allows working with Marca entities.
abstract class MediaFile Media file.
static class MediaFileHelpers Media file helper methods.
class MediaFileService<T> Allows working with MediaFile entities.
enum MezzoDiTrasporto Means of transportation.
class ModalitaPagamento Method of payment.
class ModalitaPagamentoService Allows working with ModalitaPagamento entities.
class ModelloContabile Accounting entry template.
class ModelloContabileRiga A ModelloContabile row.
class ModelloContabileService Allows working with ModelloContabile entities.
class MovimentoMerce Freight movement.
class MovimentoMerceRiga Freight movement row.
class MovimentoMerceService Allows working with MovimentoMerce entities.
class NaturaIva "Natura Iva" table.
class NaturaIvaService Allows working with remote NaturaIva entities.
class Nazione Country.
class NazioneService Allows working with Nazione entities.
class NotEmptyAttribute Nulls and empty strings are not allowed.
enum Operator Operator.
static class OptionsExtensions Extension methods, mostly concerning query string rendering.
class OrderBy Sorting options.
class OrdiniImportData Order import data.
class Pagamento Payment.
class PagamentoService Allows working with Pagamento entities.
class PasswordMatchAttribute Input values must match.
class PeriodicInvoicingData Periodic billing data.
enum PeriodoIva VAT periodicity.
enum Porto Port: assigned, free, etc.
class Preferenze Company settings.
class PreferenzeService Allows working with Preferenze entities.
class Prestazione Provisione of service.
class PrestazioneService Allows working with Prestazione entities.
class Prezzo List price.
class PrezzoService Allows working with Prezzo entities.
class ProblemDetails Wraps an API error report.
class Produttore Manufacturer.
class ProduttoreService Allows working with Produttore entities.
class ProgressivoInvio Invoice interchange service (Sdi) sequence number.
abstract class ReadOnlyCompanyService<T> Base read-only access for Customer API services working with company data.
abstract class ReadOnlyServiceBase<T> Base read-only access for Customer API services.
class RegistrazioneContabile Accounting record.
class RegistrazioneContabileRiga Account record row.
class RegistrazioneContabileService Allows working with RegistrazioneContabile entities.
class RegistrazioneContabileValidationResult Holds the validation results of an account record (RegistrazioneContabile).
class RelatedIdAttribute Value may be required, and must be greater than zero.
class Reparto Department.
class RepartoService Allows working with Reparto entities.
static class RequestHelpers Request helper methods.
class RequestPasswordReset Password reset request.
class RequestSettings Request settings.
class RequiredIfAttribute Value must exist if another property has a value.
class ResoImportData Reso import data.
class Response<T> Wraps an API response for a request sent to an entity endpoint.
class Response Wraps an API response for a request sent to a media file endpoint.
static class ResponseHelpers Response helper methods.
static class RestClient Http client.
class RicercaArticolo Product lookup options.
class RicercaArticoloValueAttribute Only RicercaArticolo vaues are allowed.
class RisorsaFinanziaria Financial resource.
class RisorsaFinanziariaService Allows working with RisorsaFinanziaria entities.
class Scadenza Payment due date.
class ScadenzaService Allows working with Scadenza entities.
class SchedaCliente Sales settings and information for a Anagrafica record.
class SchedaFornitore Purchase settings and information for a Anagrafica record.
class SedeAltra Other office.
class SedeLegale Head office.
class SedeOperativa Operational headquarters.
enum SegnoContabile Credit or Debit.
enum SegnoIva VAT periodicity
abstract class ServiceBase<T> Base CRUD for Customer API services.
static class SessionManager Handles user sessions.
class SessoValueAttribute Valid Sesso values allowed.
enum SezioneConto Sezione occupata dal conto in bilancio.
class SituazioneService Dashboard (situazione) service.
class Spesa Expenditure.
class SpesaDocumento Document expense.
class SpesaDocumentoService Allows working with SpesaDocumento entities.
class SpesaService Allows working with Spesa entities.
enum StatoDocumento Document status.
enum StatoSdi Interchange service (Sdi) status.
class StringRangeAttribute Value must exist within a range of allowed value.
enum StyleSheet Available stylesheet.
abstract class Tabella Table item.
abstract class TabellaServiceBase<T>
class TabelleService Allows working with Tabella entities.
class Taglia Size.
class TagliaService Allows working with Taglia entities.
enum TipoAnagrafica Tipo di anagrafica.
enum TipoBilancio Financial report kind.
enum TipoCausaleMagazzino Kind of freight movement reason
enum TipoConto Account kind.
enum TipoDocumento Document kind
enum TipoImporto What a Importo represents.
enum TipoListino Price list kind.
enum TipologiaRisorsaFinanziaria Financial resource kind.
enum TipoOperazioneContabile Accounting transaction kind
enum TipoRegistrazioneContabile Accounting record kind.
enum TipoScadenza Due date kind.
class TokenAuthentication Most requests, especially company-bound ones, require Token Authentication. This class allows simultaneously setting both the token and the company's license key. See the Authentication page for more info.
static class Utils Static utility methods.
abstract class ValidationAttributeBase Custom validation attribute base class.
class ValoreAmmesso Legit value.
static class ValoriAmmessi A collection of legit values for different areas of the API.
class Valuta Currency.
class ValutaService Allows working with Valuta entities.
class VatAttribute VAT number validation. Does not guarantee uniqueness, or existence.
class WebHook Webhook metadata.
class WebHookService Allows working with WebHook entities.