Account class
A user account.
public class Account : BaseEntity
Public Members
name | description |
Account() | The default constructor. |
DataBase { get; set; } | User DataBase . Expandable. |
DataBaseId { get; set; } | Unique id of the user-reserved DataBase . |
EMail { get; set; } | User email. |
NomeCognome { get; set; } | User's first and last name. |
Password { get; set; } | User password. The user password is stored encrypted on the database, and is never returned by the API. A lost user password can not be retrieved, only reset by the user, either via che Amica WebApp, or via API. |
Role { get; set; } | User role. Can be either user , or admin . |
SubscriptionId { get; set; } | Unique id of the user subscription. |
UserName { get; set; } | User name. |
See Also
- class BaseEntity
- namespace Amica