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Anagrafica class

Client, supplier, agent, or courier biographical record.

public class Anagrafica : BaseEntity

Public Members

name description
Anagrafica() The default constructor.
Agente { get; set; } Wether organization acts as a sales agent working for the company.
AreaGeografica { get; set; } Area geografica (user area). Expandable.
AreaGeograficaId { get; set; } Unique AreaGeografica (user area) id.
Banca { get; set; } Bank. Expandable.
CapoArea { get; set; } Wether the organization acts as an area manager.
Cliente { get; set; } Wether the organization is a client.
Codice { get; set; } Code assigned to the organizzation.
CodiceDestinatario { get; set; } 'recipient code' (codice destinatario) for the Italian fiscal system. Used for the delivery of Italian electronic invoices.
CodiceFiscale { get; set; } Tax code. This is usually different from the PartitaIva.
DataInserimento { get; set; } First entry date.
DichiarazioneIntento { get; set; } Protocol number for the 'statement of intent' (dichiarazione d'intento).
EMail { get; set; } Email address.
Fornitore { get; set; } Wether the organization is a vendor.
Indirizzi { get; set; } Indirizzo list for the user.
IndirizzoPredefinitoId { get; set; } Unique id of the default Indirizzo (address).
ModelloId { get; set; } Unique Modello id . Always null. This property is only used by Amica 20 Windows Desktop client, and should be considered obsolete.
Nazione { get; set; } Nazione (country). Expandable.
NazioneId { get; set; } Unique Nazione (country) id.
Nominativo1 { get; set; } Primary contact person whithin the organization.
Nominativo2 { get; set; } Secondary contact person whithin the organization.
Note { get; set; } Notes.
NoteImportanti { get; set; } Relevant notes. The official Amica clients , will highlight these upon new fiscal document creation.
PartitaIva { get; set; } Vat Id.
Pec { get; set; } Pec (certified email) address.
PersonaGiuridica { get; set; } Wether the organization is a legal entity or not. true means it is a legal entity, false means it is an individual.
RagioneSociale1 { get; set; } Business name, or the individual's fist and last name.
RagioneSociale2 { get; set; } Eventual second line for the business name. Mostly used in prints, when you want to split the business name on two lines.
RiferimentoAmministrazione { get; set; } Usually needed when dealing with Italian Public Administration entities. Uniquely identifies the target office within the PA.
SchedaCliente { get; set; } Sale (client) data.
SchedaFornitore { get; set; } Buy (vendor) data.
SedeLegale { get; set; } Primary addreess.
SitoWeb { get; set; } Web address.
Stato { get; set; } Wether the record is active or not.
Valuta { get; set; } Valuta (currency). Expandable.
ValutaId { get; set; } Unique Valuta (currency) id.
Vettore { get; set; } Wether the organization operates as a courier.

See Also