Articolo class
Stock item or product.
public class Articolo : BaseEntity
Public Members
name | description |
Articolo() | The default constructor. |
ArticoloComposto { get; set; } | Whether it is composed by assembling other items. |
BarCode { get; set; } | Barcode. |
CategoriaMerceologica { get; set; } | Product cateogory. Expandable. |
CategoriaMerceologicaId { get; set; } | Unique CategoriaMerceologica (item category) id. |
CausaleIva { get; set; } | VAT code metadata. |
CausaleIvaId { get; set; } | Unique CausaleIva (VAT code) id. Id univoco della causale IVA predefinita per l'articolo. |
Codice { get; set; } | Id, or code. |
CodiceFornitore { get; set; } | Supplier's id for the item or product. |
CodiceProduttore { get; set; } | Manufacturer's id for the item or product. |
ContestoArticolo { get; set; } | Context in which it is used. |
ContoRawAcquisto { get; set; } | Account to be used in purchases accounting records. |
ContoRawVendita { get; set; } | Account to be used in sales accounting records. |
CostoMedio { get; set; } | Average price. |
CostoUltimo { get; set; } | Last price paid. |
DataInserimento { get; set; } | First entry date. |
DistintaBase { get; set; } | Bill of materials. |
FattoreConversioneUnitàMisura { get; set; } | Conversion factor between movement units and inventory units. |
GestioneArticolo { get; set; } | Management mode. |
GruppoMerceologico { get; set; } | Product group. |
GruppoMerceologicoId { get; set; } | Unique GruppoMerceologico (product group) id. |
Marca { get; set; } | Brand. |
MarcaId { get; set; } | Unique Marca id. |
MediaFile { get; set; } | Representation of a media file paired with the product or item. |
Nome { get; set; } | Name. |
NomeBreve { get; set; } | Short name. |
Note { get; set; } | Notes. |
Produttore { get; set; } | Manufacturer. |
ProduttoreId { get; set; } | Unique Produttore manufacturer id. |
Reparto { get; set; } | Department. |
RepartoId { get; set; } | Unique Reparto (department) id. |
Stato { get; set; } | State. true if active, false otherwise. |
Taglia { get; set; } | Size. |
TagliaId { get; set; } | Unique Taglia (size) id. |
UnitàMisuraIntera { get; set; } | Whether the unit of measurement should be rounded to the nearest integer. |
UnitàMisuraInventario { get; set; } | Units of measurement to be used in inventory processing. |
UnitàMisuraMovimenti { get; set; } | Units of measurement to be used in warehouse movements. |
See Also
- class BaseEntity
- namespace Amica