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BeneServizio class

Commodity or service invoiced.

public class BeneServizio : BaseEntity

Public Members

name description
BeneServizio() The default constructor.
Articolo { get; set; } Stock item or product. Expandable.
ArticoloId { get; set; } Unique Articolo (product or item) id.
BeneServizioOrdineId { get; set; } Unique BeneServizio (good or commodity) id within the order referenced by (OrdineId.
CausaleIva { get; set; } VAT code.
CausaleIvaId { get; set; } Unique CausaleIva id.
Codice { get; set; } Code of the good or service.
DatiAggiuntivi { get; set; } Additional data.
Descrizione { get; set; } Description.
DocumentoId { get; set; } Unique Documento (document) id.
Importo { get; set; } Amount, determined as the product of Quantità and PrezzoScontato.
Listino { get; set; } Price list. Expandable.
ListinoId { get; set; } Unique Listino (price list) id.
Magazzino { get; set; } Warehouse. Expandable.
MagazzinoId { get; set; } Unique Magazzino (warehouse) id. Required when Codice is used.
OrdineId { get; set; } Unique Documento (order) id.
Posizione { get; set; } Line index within the document. This property is only used by the Amica 20 Desktop client for Windows and should be considered obsolete.
Prestazione { get; set; } Service. Expandable.
PrestazioneId { get; set; } Unique Prestazione (service) id.
Prezzo { get; set; } Price.
PrezzoId { get; set; } Unique Prezzo (price) id.
PrezzoIvato { get; set; } Price inclusive of VAT
PrezzoScontato { get; set; } Discounted price, i.e., net of indicated percentage discounts and unconditional discount.
ProvvigioneAgente { get; set; } Commission paid to the agent, as a percentage.
ProvvigioneCapoArea { get; set; } Commission paid to the area manager, as a percentage.
Quantità { get; set; } Quantity moved.
QuantitàDaEvadere { get; } Items that are left to be processed.
QuantitàEvasa { get; set; } Order quantity processed. This value is automatically updated when an invoice or DDT is emitted which contains an order reference and Ordini e Preventivi is active.
RitenutaFiscale { get; set; } Indicates whether a withholding tax should be applied to the good or service. true if it should be applied, false otherwise.
Sconto { get; } Description of all discounts combined (es: "10,5%+5€").
Sconto1 { get; set; } First percentage discount, applied to the price of the good or service.
Sconto2 { get; set; } Second percentage discount, applied following the application of Sconto1
Sconto3 { get; set; } Third percentage discount, applied following the application of Sconto2
Sconto4 { get; set; } Fourth percentage discount, applied following the application of Sconto3
ScontoIncondizionato { get; set; } Unconditional discount, in currency, applied to the price of the good or service.
Taglia { get; set; } Size.
TagliaId { get; set; } Unique Taglia (size) id.
UnitàMisura { get; set; } Unit of measurement.

See Also