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Documento class

A document (invoice, transport bill, etc.)

public class Documento : BaseEntity

Public Members

name description
Documento() The default constructor.
AbbuonoImporto { get; set; } Rebate amount.
Agente { get; set; } Sales agent. Expandable.
AgenteId { get; set; } Unique Anagrafica id of the sales agent.
Allegato { get; set; } Obsolete. Do not use.
Anagrafica { get; set; } Client, supplier, etc. Expandable.
AnagraficaId { get; set; } Unique Anagrafica id.
Banca { get; set; } Bank.
Bollo { get; set; } Stamp (vignette) amount.
BonusFiscaleCausale { get; set; } Reason for the tax bonus.
BonusFiscaleImporto { get; set; } Tax bonus amount.
BonusFiscalePercentuale { get; set; } Percentage of the tax bonus.
Cambio { get; set; } Exchange ratio to Euro, in case the Valuta of the document is not Euro.
CassaPrevidenzialeCausaleIva { get; set; } Welfare fund VAT code.
CassaPrevidenzialeCausaleIvaId { get; set; } Unique Social Security Fund VAT id.
CassaPrevidenzialeNome { get; set; } Name of the Social Security Fund applied to the document.
CassaPrevidenzialePercentuale { get; set; } Social Security Fund fee (percentage) to be applied to the document.
CausaleDocumento { get; set; } Reason for the document. Expandable.
CausaleDocumentoId { get; set; } Unique CausaleDocumento id.
CausaleMagazzino { get; set; } Freight movement reason.
CausaleMagazzinoId { get; set; } Unique CausaleMagazzino id.
ClasseDocumento { get; set; } Document class.
Contatto { get; set; } Preferred contact person, either AnagraficaNominativo1 or AnagraficaNominativo2.
Data { get; set; } Document date.
DataInizioScadenze { get; set; } First payment due date.
DataScadenzaPreventivo { get; set; } The expiration date, in case the document is an Estimate.
DatiPA { get; set; } Public administration data.
DatiSdi { get; set; } Sistema di interscambio (Sdi) metadata.
DatiTrasporto { get; set; } Freight data.
Destinazione { get; set; } Destination. Expandable.
DestinazioneDiversa { get; set; } Whether the goods destination is different from the primary address.
DestinazioneId { get; set; } Unique Indirizzo destination id. Id univoco del Indirizzo di destinazione.
DocumentoFiscale { get; set; } Kind of fiscal document.
EnasarcoImporto { get; set; } Enasarco amount.
EnasarcoPercentuale { get; set; } Enasarco fee to be applied to the document.
Iva1CausaleIva { get; set; } First VAT code.
Iva1CausaleIvaId { get; set; } First unique VAT id.
Iva1Imponibile { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva1CausaleIva
Iva1ImponibileLordo { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva1CausaleIva gross of any invoice discounts.
Iva1Imposta { get; set; } Total tax for Iva1CausaleIva
Iva2CausaleIva { get; set; } Second VAT code.
Iva2CausaleIvaId { get; set; } Second unique VAT id.
Iva2Imponibile { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva2CausaleIva
Iva2ImponibileLordo { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva2CausaleIva gross of any invoice discounts.
Iva2Imposta { get; set; } Total tax for Iva2CausaleIva
Iva3CausaleIva { get; set; } Third VAT code.
Iva3CausaleIvaId { get; set; } Third unique VAT id.
Iva3Imponibile { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva3CausaleIva
Iva3ImponibileLordo { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva3CausaleIva gross of any invoice discounts.
Iva3Imposta { get; set; } Total tax for Iva3CausaleIva
Iva4CausaleIva { get; set; } Fourth VAT code.
Iva4CausaleIvaId { get; set; } Fourth unique VAT id.
Iva4Imponibile { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva4CausaleIva
Iva4ImponibileLordo { get; set; } Total taxable amount attributable to Iva4CausaleIva gross of any invoice discounts.
Iva4Imposta { get; set; } Total tax for Iva4CausaleIva
IvaEsclusa { get; set; } Whether prices entered are to be considered excluding VAT. If false, the VAT will be deducted in the editing phase (official apps).
MediaFile { get; set; } Media file.
ModelloId { get; set; } Obsolete. Do not use.
NettoAPagare { get; set; } Net payable.
Note { get; set; } Notes.
Numero { get; set; } Full document number. For example, 99/bis. Generated on NumeroParteNumerica and NumeroParteTesto. Please note: property valued only in case of an instance saved on the backend.
NumeroParteNumerica { get; set; } The document number, in its numeric part. For example, 99 for num. 99/bis.
NumeroParteTesto { get; set; } The alphanumeric part of the document number, if any. For example, "bis" for document num. 99/bis.
Pagamento { get; set; } Payment.
PagamentoId { get; set; } Unique Pagamento id.
ProgressivoInvio { get; set; } Dispatch (send) numbers, as returned by Sdi.
QuotaRitenutaSuImponibile { get; set; } Share of taxable income on which to apply withholding tax.
RiferimentoAmministrazione { get; set; } Administrative reference number.
Righe { get; set; } Document rows.
RitenutaIncludeCassaPrevidenziale { get; set; } Whether a withholding tax should be applied to the amount of Social Security Fund shown in the document.
RitenutaPercentuale { get; set; } Portion of withholding tax to be applied to the document.
Scadenze { get; set; } Deadlines list.
ScontoIncondizionatoImporto { get; set; } Discount, in currency, to be applied to the full amount of the document.
ScontoPagamentoPercentuale { get; set; } Discount recognized according to the payment method used (ex: +5% in case of direct remittance).
ScontoPercentuale { get; set; } Discount, as a percentage, to be calculated on the entire amount of the document.
SpeseDocumento { get; set; } List of expenses.
Stato { get; set; } The current status of the document. For example: Draft, or Issued.
TipoDocumento { get; set; } Documento kind.
TotaleCassaPrevidenziale { get; set; } Social security fund amount.
TotaleDocumento { get; set; } Document total amount.
TotaleEsente { get; set; } Amounts exempt from VAT.
TotaleImponibile { get; set; } Total taxable income, considering all VAT causes involved.
TotaleImposta { get; set; } VAT tax.
TotaleMerce { get; set; } Freight amount.
TotaleMerceScontata { get; set; } Discounted freight amount.
TotaleRitenuta { get; set; } Amount of withholding tax.
TotaleSpese { get; set; } Total exempt and nonexempt expenses.
TotaleSpeseEsenti { get; set; } Total expenses exempt from VAT.
TotaleSpeseNonEsenti { get; set; } Total expenses not exempt from VAT.
TotaleSplitPayment { get; set; } Split payment amount.
Valuta { get; set; } Currency.
ValutaId { get; set; } Unique Valuta (currency) id.
Vettore { get; set; } Courier. Expandable.
VettoreId { get; set; } Unique Anagrafica id of the courier.
XmlFileName { get; set; } Name of the XML file.

See Also