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DocumentoComputeData class

Used by DocumentoService's Compute method.

public class DocumentoComputeData

Public Members

name description
DocumentoComputeData() The default constructor.
AbbuonoImporto { get; set; } Rebate amount.
BonusFiscalePercentuale { get; set; } Tax bonus amount.
CassaPrevidenzialeCausaleIvaId { get; set; } Unique Social Security Fund VAT id.
CassaPrevidenzialePercentuale { get; set; } Social Security Fund fee (percentage) to be applied to the document.
EnasarcoImporto { get; set; } Enasarco amount.
QuotaRitenutaSuImponibile { get; set; } Share of taxable income on which to apply withholding tax.
Righe { get; set; } Document's rows metadata.
RitenutaIncludeCassaPrevidenziale { get; set; } Whether a withholding tax should be applied to the amount of Social Security Fund shown in the document.
RitenutaPercentuale { get; set; } Portion of withholding tax to be applied to the document.
ScontoIncondizionatoImporto { get; set; } Discount, in currency, to be applied to the full amount of the document.
ScontoPagamentoPercentuale { get; set; } Discount recognized according to the payment method used (ex: +5% in case of direct remittance).
ScontoPercentuale { get; set; } Discount, as a percentage, to be calculated on the entire amount of the document.
SpeseDocumento { get; set; } Expenses list metadata.

See Also