Preferenze class
Company settings.
public class Preferenze : BaseEntity
Public Members
name | description |
Preferenze() | The default constructor. |
AggiungiAnnoInCorsoAlNumeroDocumento { get; set; } | Whether you want to add the current year to the document number (e.g., 1/2022). Applies to Amica 20 WebApp and Amica 20 for Windows. |
AnnoContabile { get; set; } | Current accounting year (e.g., '2023'). |
Attivita { get; set; } | Type of activity carried out by the company or individual. |
AutoProduzione { get; set; } | Wether automatic compound production is active. |
CausaleMagazzinoAcquistoId { get; set; } | Unique id of the CausaleMagazzino to use in purchase documents. |
CausaleMagazzinoMerciId { get; set; } | Default CausaleMagazzino id in freight movements. |
CausaleMagazzinoVenditaId { get; set; } | Unique id of the CausaleMagazzino to use in sale documents. vendita. |
CausalePagamentoModelloCU { get; set; } | CU model reason (e.g., 'A'). |
CausaleProduzioneComponentiId { get; set; } | Unique CausaleMagazzino Unique id of the CausaleMagazzino to use in component production. |
CausaleProduzioneCompostiId { get; set; } | Unique id of the CausaleMagazzino to use with compound items in component production. |
CodiceDestinatario { get; set; } | 'recipient code' (codice destinatario) for the Italian fiscal system. Used for the delivery of Italian electronic invoices. |
CodiceFiscale { get; set; } | Fiscal code. |
CodiceRea { get; set; } | REA code. |
CodiceSia { get; set; } | SIA code. |
ConsentiCambioManualeStatoDdt { get; set; } | Whether you want to enable the option of changing DDTs status. Applies to Amica 20 WebApp and Amica 20 for Windows. |
DataNascita { get; set; } | Date of birth (individual). |
DataSpeciale1 { get; set; } | Any deadlines that fall on this date will be postponed by the number of days indicated by GiorniExtraDataSpeciale1 . |
DataSpeciale2 { get; set; } | Any deadlines that fall on this date will be postponed by the number of days indicated by GiorniExtraDataSpeciale2 . |
DecimaliPrezzoUnitario { get; set; } | Number of decimals allowed in unit prices. Minimum 1, maximum 5. |
DocumentiCausaleIvaId { get; set; } | Default CausaleIva id in fiscal documents. |
DocumentiListinoId { get; set; } | Default DocumentiListinoId in fiscal documents. |
DocumentiMagazzinoId { get; set; } | Default Magazzino id in fiscal documents. |
EMail { get; set; } | Company email. |
EmailAutoSend { get; set; } | Whether to send an email when a document is issued. |
EmailBody { get; set; } | Text of the mail message sent when a document is issued. The document itself will be attached to the message. Applies to Amica 20 for Windows. |
GiorniExtraDataSpeciale1 { get; set; } | Number of days to be added to DataSpeciale1 . |
GiorniExtraDataSpeciale2 { get; set; } | Number of days to be added to DataSpeciale1 . |
ImpostazioniSdi { get; set; } | Invoice interchange service (Sdi) settings. |
IvaEsclusa { get; set; } | Whether, by default, prices shown on tax documents should be considered to be exclusive of VAT. If false , VAT will be applied to prices when possible. |
LiquidazioneIva { get; set; } | Type of VAT settlement: accrual or cash basis. |
ListinoMerciId { get; set; } | Default Listino id in freight movements. |
LocalitaNascita { get; set; } | Place of birth (individual). |
MagazzinoMerciId { get; set; } | Default Magazzino id in freight movements. |
ModalitaPagamentoMerciId { get; set; } | Default ModalitaPagamento id in freight movements. |
ModelloAcquistiFatturaAccompagnatoriaId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued supplier accompanying invoices. |
ModelloAcquistiFatturaAccontoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued supplier bill on account. Id univoco della ModelloContabile predefinito per emissione fatture acconto fornitori. |
ModelloAcquistiFatturaDifferitaId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued supplier deferred invoices. |
ModelloAcquistiFatturaProfessionistiId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued supplier freelance invoices. |
ModelloAcquistiNotaCreditoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued credit notes. |
ModelloAcquistiNotaDebitoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued supplier debit notes. |
ModelloVenditeFatturaAccompagnaoriaId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued accompanying invoices. |
ModelloVenditeFatturaAccontoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued bill on account. |
ModelloVenditeFatturaDifferitaId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued deferred invoices. |
ModelloVenditeFatturaProfessionistaId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued freelance invoices. |
ModelloVenditeNotaCreditoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued credit notes. |
ModelloVenditeNotaDebitoId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued debit notes. |
ModelloVenditeRicevutaFiscaleId { get; set; } | Default ModelloContabile for issued fiscal receipts. |
ModificaRegistrazioneContabileAllaEmissione { get; set; } | Whether you want to edit (modify) the accounting record created when issuing a document. Applies to Amica20 WebApp and Amica 20 for Windows. |
OttimizzaEmissioneOrdini { get; set; } | Whether optimization for large document issuing is active or not. Applies to Amica20 for Windows. |
PagatoManuale { get; set; } | Whether the payment of due dates is handled manually. If false , payment status will be determined based on accounting records (module Contabilità must be active.) |
PartitaIva { get; set; } | VAT id. |
Pec { get; set; } | Italian PEC mail address. |
PeriodoIva { get; set; } | VAT periodicity: monthly or quarterly. |
PersonaGiuridica { get; set; } | Wether the organization is a legal entity or not. true means it is a legal entity, false means it is an individual. |
ProvinciaNascita { get; set; } | Province of birth (individual). |
RagioneSociale1 { get; set; } | Business name. |
RagioneSociale2 { get; set; } | Possible second line of company name. Especially useful for printing, if you want to break a very long business name on two different lines. |
RegistroImprese { get; set; } | Business registration number at Regitro Imprese. |
RicercaArticolo { get; set; } | Product lookup options. |
SedeAltra { get; set; } | Other office. |
SedeLegale { get; set; } | Head office. |
SedeOperativa { get; set; } | Operational headquarters. |
Sesso { get; set; } | Sex (individual). |
SitoWeb { get; set; } | Company website. |
TipoBilancio { get; set; } | Default financial report type: analytical or synthetic. |
UnitàDiMisura { get; set; } | Default unit of measurement. |
See Also
- class BaseEntity
- namespace Amica