RegistrazioneContabile class
Accounting record.
public class RegistrazioneContabile : BaseEntity
Public Members
name | description |
RegistrazioneContabile() | The default constructor. |
AnagraficaId { get; set; } | Anagrafica id. |
CastellettoIva { get; set; } | Payable VAT amount. |
Data { get; set; } | Date of accounting entry. |
DataCompetenza { get; set; } | Accrual date. |
DataDocumento { get; set; } | Referenced document date. |
Descrizione { get; set; } | Description. |
Documento { get; set; } | Fiscal document. Expandable. |
DocumentoId { get; set; } | Documento id. |
DocumentoNumero { get; set; } | Complete document number, e.g., "99/bis". Document must have been saved on the backend. |
DocumentoNumeroParteNumerica { get; set; } | The numeric part of the document (e.g., "99"). |
DocumentoNumeroParteTesto { get; set; } | The alphanumeric part of the document, if any (e.g., "bis"). |
Note { get; set; } | Notes. |
Numero { get; set; } | Accountancy registration number. |
PagamentoId { get; set; } | Pagamento id. |
Protocollo { get; set; } | Protocol number. |
RegistroIvaId { get; set; } | Unique RegistroIva id. |
Righe { get; set; } | Accounting record rows. |
Scadenze { get; set; } | Installments. |
SegnoIva { get; set; } | VAT positivy or negativity. |
TipoOperazione { get; set; } | Accounting transaction type. |
TipoRegistrazione { get; set; } | Kind of registration. |
See Also
- class BaseEntity
- namespace Amica