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RicercaArticolo class

Product lookup options.

public class RicercaArticolo : BaseEntity

Public Members

name description
RicercaArticolo() The default constructor.
AcquistiCampo1 { get; set; } Preferred search field for purchasing items.
AcquistiCampo2 { get; set; } Second search field for purchasing items.
AcquistiCampo3 { get; set; } Third search field for purchasing items.
AcquistiCampo4 { get; set; } Fourth search field for purchasing items.
VenditeCampo1 { get; set; } Preferred search field for article sales.
VenditeCampo2 { get; set; } Second search field for article sales.
VenditeCampo3 { get; set; } Third search field for article sales.
VenditeCampo4 { get; set; } Fourth field of research for article sales.

See Also