StatoSdi enumeration
Interchange service (Sdi) status.
public enum StatoSdi
name | value | description |
DocumentoPresoInCarico | 1 |
Taken over by the intermediary. |
DocumentoInviato | 2 |
Sent to Interchange service. |
ServizioNonDisponibile | 3 |
Interchange service not available. |
UtenteNonAbilitato | 4 |
User not enabled. |
DocumentoConsegnato | 5 |
Delivered to the recipient. |
DocumentoNonConsegnato | 6 |
Could not be delivered to the recipient. |
DocumentoScartato | 7 |
Discarded by the Intchange service. |
DocumentoAccettatoDalDestinatario | 8 |
Accetpted by the recipient. |
DocumentoRifiutatoDalDestinatario | 9 |
Rejected by the recipient. |
DocumentoConImpossibilitàDiRecapito | 10 |
Could not be delivered to the recipient. |
DecorrenzaTermini | 11 |
Delivered to the recipient who did not respond. |
See Also
- namespace Amica